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Alys Hawkins designed three short clips that metaphorically refer to Jane's relationships with three different women: her mother, Nini, and her partner, Beth Allen. The images are based on doodles Jane made in her notebooks or in letters to her friends.


The Eight Faces of Jane is a documentary-in-progress about the life and work of Jane Chambers, pioneer lesbian playwright.

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At the behest of Alexia Melocchi, my new manager, we've redone some of the graphic art. First was the art for Destroying Angel, and now we have new art for Imprinted.

In 1981-82 I was a playwriting student at Catholic University in Washington DC. I was looking for plays by women playwrights to read and study, but couldn’t find too much out there, apart from Lillian Hellman and Sister Hroswitha. An actress friend of mine introduced me to the works of Jane Chambers.
